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Usborne book - Where's the little mouse?

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Catalog Number 13,95371

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Usborne book - Where's the little mouse?
"Where's the Little Mouse?" is a cute children's book by Usborne. In this fun book full of rhyming questions, children will have the opportunity to find hidden items, such as a birthday cake or a hungry dog. This is a great opportunity to develop language skills and sentence building by talking about cute illustrations.
The book encourages little ones to answer questions by looking at the pictures and looking for answers. This interactive form of reading helps children develop speech by encouraging them to express their thoughts and participate in a conversation about the book.
"Where's the Little Mouse?" not only provides children with the joy of discovering hidden elements, but also helps to build language skills and develop communication skills. This beautifully illustrated book is perfect for playing together and creating amazing stories.
Special features:
- A brilliant book for preschoolers
- hardcover, hard pages
- book in English
- 10 pages
- two in one: beautiful pictures and learning English
- beautiful high-quality color edition

Product dimensions: 22 x 14 x 1 cm
Product weight: 0.23 kg
Minimum order: 1 piece
Stand/display: none
ISBN: 9781474953719
I recommend Agata Pańkowska - Independant Usborne Organizer
This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 30 May, 2023.
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